M60 Micromanipulator for High Frequency Probe
- Reliable Contact for high frequency probe
- Fixing method: magnet type or screw fixing
- Stroke amount: X, Y, Z士6.5 mm each
- θ adjustment amount: 士5 0
- Straightness: 3μm
- Travel distance: 0.5 mm/rotation
- Micrometer reading: 10μm
- Each company RF probe can be installed
M40 Micromanipulator
- Realize a large amount of movement with high accuracy
- Fixed method: Magnet with ON/OFF
- Stroke amount: X, Y, Z 士6.5 mm each
- Straightness: 3μm
- Travel distance: 0.5 mm/rotation
- Micrometer reading: 10μm
M30 Micromanipulator
- High precision spec for compact body
- Fixed method: Magnet with ON/OFF
- Stroke amount: X, Y, Z 土3.2 mm each
- Straightness: 3μm
- Travel distance: 0.5 mm/rotation
- Micrometer reading: 10μm
Coaxial Probe Arm
- Probe that can be used for a wide range of measurements with BNC output
- Connector: BNC
- OP can change to SMA
- Cable: coaxial
- Cable length: Any
- Mount the probe tip on the tip and use it
High Voltage/High Current Probe Arm
Various probes that achieve specifications of 20 kV or more, 200 A or more
Corresponding measuring instrument (1-N)
- Keithley/2657 A
- IWATSU/CS series etc.
- Connector: HVTriaxial, SHV, banana etc
Corresponding measuring instrument (HC)
- Keithley/2651 A
- IWATSU/CS series etc.
- Connector: HC coax, banana etc.
- Mount the probe tip on the tip and use it
Triaxial Probe Arm
- Best selling probe for fA level measurement
- Connector: Triaxial
- Cable: Triaxial
- Cable length: Any
- Mount the probe tip on the tip and use it